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Mano Buddhi-ahankaara Chithaani Naaham
Na Cha Shrotra Jihve Na Cha Ghraana Netre
Na Cha Vyoma Bhoomir Na Tejo Na Vaayuhu
Chidaananda Roopah Shivoham Shivoham

Na Cha Praana Samjno Na Vai Pancha Vaayuhu
Na Va Sapta Dhaatur Na Va Pancha Koshah
Na Vaak Paani Paadau Na Chopastha Paayuh
Chidaananda Roopah Shivoham Shivoham

Na Me Dvesha Raagau Na Me Lobha Mohau
Mado Naiva Me Naiva Maatsarya Bhaavah
Na Dharmo Na Chaartho Na Kaamo Na Mokshah
Chidaananda Roopah Shivoham Shivoham

Na Punyam Na Paapam Na Saukhyam Na Dukham
Na Mantro Na Teertham Na Vedo Na Yajnaha
Aham Bhojanam Naiva Bhojyam Na Bhoktaa
Chidaananda Roopah Shivoham Shivoham

Na Me Mrityu Shankaa Na Me Jaati Bhedah
Pita Naiva Me Naiva Maataa Na Janma
Na Bandhur Na Mitram Gurur Naiva Shishyah
Chidaananda Roopah Shivoham Shivoham

Aham Nirvikalpo Niraakaara Roopaha
Vibhur Vyaapya Sarvatra Sarvendriyaanaam
Sadaa Me Samatvam Na Muktir Na Bandhah
Chidaananda Roopah Shivoham Shivoham

I am not the mind, intellect, ego, or memory.
Nor am I the ears, tongue, nose, eyes (and skin)
I am not the space, earth, fire, air (and water)-
I am pure Knowledge and Bliss.I am the self spiritual joy of pure. Consciousness Shiva, Shivoham, Shivoham.

I am not the Praana,
I am not the 5 vital airs.
I am not indeed the 7 materials,
Surely not the 5 sheaths,
Not the organ of speech, nor
hand, nor leg,
And not the genital organ, nor the anus.
I am of the nature of pure Knowledge and Bliss. I am Shiva, the most
Auspicious, I am Shiva.

I have neither hatred nor liking,
I have neither greed nor delusion,
I have indeed neither pride
nor jealousy,
I have no duty (to perform),
nor any wealth (to acquire),
I have no craving (for pleasure),
I am not being bound (for
I am of the nature of Pure
Consciousness and Bliss,
I am all Auspiciousness,
I am Shiva.

I have neither virtue nor vice,
nor pleasure, nor pain,
nor the sacred chant of
mantras nor pilgrimage,
nor the scriptures,
nor the sacrificial rituals,
I am neither the act of enjoying,
nor the enjoyable object,
nor the enjoyer,
I am pure Knowledge and Bliss,
I am shiva, the
Auspiciousness itself.

I have no fear of death,
nor have I any distinction
of Caste,
I have neither father,
nor mother, nor even birth,
nor relation, nor friend,
no teacher, no disciple,
I am pure Knowledge and Bliss,
I am all Auspiciousness,
I am Shiva.

I am devoid of dualities,
and I am formless,
I exist everywhere,
pervading all the senses,
always I am the same,
I have neither freedom nor
I am pure Knowledge and Bliss,
I am Auspiciousness,
I am Shiva.
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How to motivate ourselves in Meditation

The first thing: for a patient to go to the doctor we must make him realize that he is sick; otherwise there is no need to go to the doctor.
Do we remember when we laughed from our very hearts? We have become robots – we do things because they have to be done but there is no joy in doing them. We are living an accidental life. Our birth is accidental, our marriage is accidental, our children are accidental, our job is accidental. Our life has no sense of intrinsic growth and direction. 
That’s why we cannot feel like rejoicing. So first we have to make ourselves aware where we are – and almost everybody is in the same situation. Death is coming close – we cannot even rely on our being here tomorrow. And our life is an absolute desert – it has not found any oasis, it has not felt any meaning, any significance – and death may destroy all possibilities in the future.

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क्या निर्वाण के भी प्रकार हैं ?

क्या निर्वाण के भी प्रकार हैं ?
निर्वाण के तो कोई प्रकार नहीं हैं | जैसे फल जब पक  जाता है  तो एक क्षण में गिर जाता  है, गिरने में कोई प्रकार नहीं है | लेकिन फल के पकने में बहुत सीढियां  हैं | अधपका फल है= अभी गिरा नहीं है| कच्चा फल है - अभी गिरना बहुत दूर , गिरने कि यात्रा पर है | गिरेगा तो फल एक क्षण में | पक गया, क्षण भी नहीं लगेगा | फिर गिरने में सीढियां नहीं हैं ; गिर तो एकदम जायेगा | लेकिन गिरने के पहले बहुत सी सीढियां  हैं |
कच्चा फल भी वृक्ष से लगा है, अधपका फल भी वृक्ष से लगा है- अगर हम वृक्ष से लगे होने को ध्यान में रखें तो दोनों में कोई फर्क नहीं है | फर्क इतना ही है कि अधपका पहल पकने के करीब आ रहा है, कच्चा फल बहुत दूर है | मगर दोनों वृक्ष से लगे हैं | निर्वाण तो एक ही क्षण में घट  जाता है | लेकिन एक व्यक्ति है जिसने कभी धयान नहीं किया, प्रेम नहीं किया- कच्चा फल है | वो भी अभी संसार में है | फिर किसी ने धयान किया, प्रेम किया - वो भी अभी टूट नहीं गया है , अभी वो भी पक कर गिर नहीं गया है, वो भी संसार में है  | अगर संसार में ही होने को देखें, तो दोनों संसार में हैं | लेकिन अगर उस भविष्य कि घटना को हम ख्याल में रखें तो एक कुछ कदम आगे बड़ा है  गिरने के करीब, और दूसरा अभी बहुत दूर खड़ा है | एक कच्चा फल है, एक अधपका फल है |
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Innocence is the the door

To live in the moment is innocence, to live without the past is innocence, to live without conclusions is innocence, to function out of the state of not knowing is innocence. And the moment you function out of such tremendous silence, which is not burdened by any past — out of such tremendous stillness, which knows nothing — the experience that happens is beauty.
Whenever you feel beauty — in the rising sun, in the stars, in the flowers, or in the face of a woman or a man — wherever and whenever you feel beauty, watch. And one thing will always be found: you had functioned without mind, you had functioned without any conclusion, you had simply functioned spontaneously.
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A comfortable, convenient life

A comfortable, convenient life is not a real life –
the more comfortable, the less alive.
The most comfortable life is in the grave.
If you are alive there is inconvenience.
If you are alive there are challenges.
If you are alive then every moment you have to face reality, encounter reality.
Every moment you have to be ready to change and to move.
Reality has no security and that is its beauty.
Life has no security and that is its beauty.
Because there is no security, there is adventure.
Because the future is unknown,
nobody knows what is going to happen the next moment.
That’s why there is challenge, growth, adventure.
If you miss adventure, you miss all.
If your life is not that of an adventure, of a search into the unknown,
then you are living in vain. ~ Osho
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Follow your Spiritual Guru with Insight

There are too many preachers and spiritual leaders propagating various methods – we might just lose precious time before realizing we have not reached anywhere. A little peace, slightly better health may have been achieved – no where near to your inner self.
We could get totally confused and lose precious time in trying the extensive ways offered to us. Could become a mix (khichdi) of the wrong kind. We in our innocence having spent so much time doing various sadhanas (methods) wait for the right opening. We may just end up feeling very disillusioned.
Without the right understanding, though we spend hours praying; required purifications do not take place. All our innumerable methods of praying, meditations, scripture reading, chanting, satsangs, seva, yogic kriya; are only various methods used for our own purifications – not directly related with God.
We all know; without the right purity of – bhao, heart, mind, body, soul – it is impossible to be anywhere near the divine powers.
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House at Kashani - My NativeVllage

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