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How to motivate ourselves in Meditation

The first thing: for a patient to go to the doctor we must make him realize that he is sick; otherwise there is no need to go to the doctor.
Do we remember when we laughed from our very hearts? We have become robots – we do things because they have to be done but there is no joy in doing them. We are living an accidental life. Our birth is accidental, our marriage is accidental, our children are accidental, our job is accidental. Our life has no sense of intrinsic growth and direction. 
That’s why we cannot feel like rejoicing. So first we have to make ourselves aware where we are – and almost everybody is in the same situation. Death is coming close – we cannot even rely on our being here tomorrow. And our life is an absolute desert – it has not found any oasis, it has not felt any meaning, any significance – and death may destroy all possibilities in the future.

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क्या निर्वाण के भी प्रकार हैं ?

क्या निर्वाण के भी प्रकार हैं ?
निर्वाण के तो कोई प्रकार नहीं हैं | जैसे फल जब पक  जाता है  तो एक क्षण में गिर जाता  है, गिरने में कोई प्रकार नहीं है | लेकिन फल के पकने में बहुत सीढियां  हैं | अधपका फल है= अभी गिरा नहीं है| कच्चा फल है - अभी गिरना बहुत दूर , गिरने कि यात्रा पर है | गिरेगा तो फल एक क्षण में | पक गया, क्षण भी नहीं लगेगा | फिर गिरने में सीढियां नहीं हैं ; गिर तो एकदम जायेगा | लेकिन गिरने के पहले बहुत सी सीढियां  हैं |
कच्चा फल भी वृक्ष से लगा है, अधपका फल भी वृक्ष से लगा है- अगर हम वृक्ष से लगे होने को ध्यान में रखें तो दोनों में कोई फर्क नहीं है | फर्क इतना ही है कि अधपका पहल पकने के करीब आ रहा है, कच्चा फल बहुत दूर है | मगर दोनों वृक्ष से लगे हैं | निर्वाण तो एक ही क्षण में घट  जाता है | लेकिन एक व्यक्ति है जिसने कभी धयान नहीं किया, प्रेम नहीं किया- कच्चा फल है | वो भी अभी संसार में है | फिर किसी ने धयान किया, प्रेम किया - वो भी अभी टूट नहीं गया है , अभी वो भी पक कर गिर नहीं गया है, वो भी संसार में है  | अगर संसार में ही होने को देखें, तो दोनों संसार में हैं | लेकिन अगर उस भविष्य कि घटना को हम ख्याल में रखें तो एक कुछ कदम आगे बड़ा है  गिरने के करीब, और दूसरा अभी बहुत दूर खड़ा है | एक कच्चा फल है, एक अधपका फल है |
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Innocence is the the door

To live in the moment is innocence, to live without the past is innocence, to live without conclusions is innocence, to function out of the state of not knowing is innocence. And the moment you function out of such tremendous silence, which is not burdened by any past — out of such tremendous stillness, which knows nothing — the experience that happens is beauty.
Whenever you feel beauty — in the rising sun, in the stars, in the flowers, or in the face of a woman or a man — wherever and whenever you feel beauty, watch. And one thing will always be found: you had functioned without mind, you had functioned without any conclusion, you had simply functioned spontaneously.
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A comfortable, convenient life

A comfortable, convenient life is not a real life –
the more comfortable, the less alive.
The most comfortable life is in the grave.
If you are alive there is inconvenience.
If you are alive there are challenges.
If you are alive then every moment you have to face reality, encounter reality.
Every moment you have to be ready to change and to move.
Reality has no security and that is its beauty.
Life has no security and that is its beauty.
Because there is no security, there is adventure.
Because the future is unknown,
nobody knows what is going to happen the next moment.
That’s why there is challenge, growth, adventure.
If you miss adventure, you miss all.
If your life is not that of an adventure, of a search into the unknown,
then you are living in vain. ~ Osho
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Follow your Spiritual Guru with Insight

There are too many preachers and spiritual leaders propagating various methods – we might just lose precious time before realizing we have not reached anywhere. A little peace, slightly better health may have been achieved – no where near to your inner self.
We could get totally confused and lose precious time in trying the extensive ways offered to us. Could become a mix (khichdi) of the wrong kind. We in our innocence having spent so much time doing various sadhanas (methods) wait for the right opening. We may just end up feeling very disillusioned.
Without the right understanding, though we spend hours praying; required purifications do not take place. All our innumerable methods of praying, meditations, scripture reading, chanting, satsangs, seva, yogic kriya; are only various methods used for our own purifications – not directly related with God.
We all know; without the right purity of – bhao, heart, mind, body, soul – it is impossible to be anywhere near the divine powers.
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House at Kashani - My NativeVllage

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Meditation - Simply Silence

Meditation is nothing but withdrawing all the barriers — thoughts, emotions, sentiments — which create a wall between you and existence. The moment they drop, you suddenly find yourself in tune with the whole; not only in tune, you really find you are the whole.

When a dewdrop slips from a lotus leaf into the ocean it does not find that it is part of the ocean, it finds it isthe ocean. And to find it is the ultimate goal, the ultimate realization. There is nothing beyond it.
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There is no other reason but one, and that is total emptiness. Whosoever is empty is whole. Emptiness is the foundation of wholeness. Rightly said, emptiness alone is whole. Can you draw a half emptiness? Even geometry cannot draw a half zero; there is no such thing as a half zero. Zero or emptiness is always complete, whole. Part-emptiness has no meaning whatsoever. How can you divide emptiness? And how can it be called emptiness if it is divided into parts? 
Emptiness is irreducible, indivisible. And where division begins, numbers begin; therefore, number one follows zero. One, two and three belong to the world of numbers. And all numbers arise from zero and end in zero. Zero or emptiness alone is whole. He is whole who is empty. And it is significant that Krishna is called whole, because this man is absolutely empty. And only he who is choiceless can be empty. 
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Virtues of Krishna : Relevant To Our Time

Krishna is utterly incomparable, he is so unique. Firstly, his uniqueness lies in the fact that although Krishna happened in the ancient past he belongs to the future, is really of the future. Man has yet to grow to that height where he can be a contemporary of Krishna’s. He is still beyond man’s understanding; he continues to puzzle and battle us. Only in some future time will we be able to understand him and appreciate his virtues. And there are good reasons for it. The most important reason is that Krishna is the sole great man in our whole history who reached the absolute height and depth of religion, and yet he is not at all serious and sad, not in tears. By and large, the chief characteristic of a religious person has been that he is somber, serious and sad-looking – like one vanquished in the battle of life, like a renegade from life. In the long line of such sages it is Krishna alone who comes dancing, singing and laughing. Religions of the past were all life-denying and masochistic, extolling sorrow and suffering as great virtues. If you set aside Krishna’s vision of religion, then every religion of the past presented a sad and sorrowful face. A laughing religion, a religion that accepts life in its totality is yet to be born. And it is good that the old religions are dead, along with them, that the old God, the God of our old concepts is dead too. It is said of Jesus that he never laughed. It was perhaps his sad look and the picture of his physical form on the cross that became the focal point of at traction for people, most of whom are themselves unhappy and miserable. In a deep sense Mahavira and Buddha are against life too.
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Enchanting Himachal: About Himachal

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Awareness and Consciousness

I'm great follower of Osho. I love his approach toward life:

  "I don't believe in anything.
   I don't have any belief system.
   I don't have any creed, dogma.
   My whole approach is existential.
   One should not have shoulds and should nots.
   One should simply exist spontaneously.
   Live in the moment.
   Be alert, and enjoy whatsoever happens out of that alertness.
   Don't keep an attitude, character, morality, descipline.
   Don't fight with you.
   Don't try to make a structure around you of character, of morality.
   Don't descipline you too much. Move with the situation,
   respond to the situtaion. Remain loose and natural, floating.
   Don't try to impose any thing on you, your being.
   If you are too much cultured you will loose all that is natutal.
   Then you will be a machenical thing, not floating not flowing.
   Live moment to moment. Live with alertness.
   Be aware and conscious." 
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Kshitij had the BITSAT test at Mohali, so whole family were with him. Did some shopping for Kshamta from Chandigarh and in the evening had dinner with brother at Panchkula.
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Hello World-Healthy Life Style

Attended two day Naional Conference ( राष्ट्रीय संगोष्टी)  on  Bhartiya swastiya Chintan (भारतीय  स्वस्थ्य  चिंतन at Hotel Peterhoff in Shimla. It was about promoting indian system of medicines, our  traditional system of attaining and maintaing optimum health.Following the seminar for Healthy Life Style these points emerged:
  • Early to bed, Early to rise is still golden rule.
  • Late Good Morning invites problems like incomlete defacation, acidity, and hurrying in all day activities.
  • All meals well in time and regular intervals is key of Good Health, of cource, balanced diet which must include raw seasonal raw seasonal fruits and vegetables, sprouts raw and roasted cereals, milk curd.
  • You cannot expect clean bowel in morning after having a late night dinner. Food at very large interval makes you weak and invites acidity.
  • Minimum 30 minutes walk and exercise to move all joints everyday helps in all way. Jogging, sports activity ( tradition kabbadi, Kho Kho, gilli danda are equally effective) are the keys of fitness. Walking is easiest and most efffective way of physical fitness.
  • Participatin in family functions, festivals social gatherings, community activitiea makes you happy and provides mantal peace and social security.
  • Live each and every moment of life. Happiness is in small things in daily routine are bigger than the grand goals.
  • Faith in God and Natural justice maintains mental peacd and relieves fear.
More on Total Fitness at:
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